Hospital Dentistry in San Luis Obispo

While most dental procedures can be accomplished in our office, some of our patients may need general anesthesia while receiving restorative dental procedures. Hospital Dentistry is a special service that we provide. Hospital Dentistry allows children who cannot handle routine dental restorative procedures while awake, to be put asleep utilizing a general anesthetic.
Traditional hospital dentistry is regular pediatric dental work (fillings, crowns, extractions, X-rays, etc.) performed in a hospital operating room with the child asleep utilizing a general anesthetic. A qualified anesthesiologist places the child under general anesthesia and monitors the patient throughout the procedure and recovery phases. This allows the Doctor to perform the dentistry under more ideal circumstances and helps prevent the development of a lifelong fear of dental treatment. This service is also offered in our office utilizing an outpatient anesthesia service.
“Why would a child require Hospital Dentistry”? Listed below are some of the reasons why this specialized care becomes necessary:
- Some children, due to age and tremendous anxiety (dental phobia) just cannot cope with traditional dental treatment; their fear and anxiety causes them tremendous stress.
- Physically or mentally challenged children are also candidates for this type of treatment.
- In the event extensive work is required, as in the event of complete mouth restoration, it is much easier on a young patient to be placed under general anesthesia to have the procedure done, than to endure long hours in the dental chair, or many repeated visits.