Sedation Dentistry in San Luis Obispo

Here at SLO Pediatric Dental, we do everything possible to make each dental procedure as enjoyable and painless as possible. Our highly trained staff have multiple ways of helping children and their parents through these pediatric dental procedures. Patients who are very young or have a high level of nervousness that interferes with the procedure may need some level of sedation. Sedation is also especially helpful for special needs children. There are many safe and effective medications readily available that can help calm the patient and provide a good environment for optimal and safe treatment.
Conscious sedation is an option for children who are mildly apprehensive. This highly effective method is administered by inhalation using nitrous oxide (N20-02).
Deep sedation is sometimes necessary for children that are unable by either age, or maturity level to cooperate during dental treatment. Our practice utilizes the French Medical Center, Sierra Vista Hospital, and Arroyo Grande Community Hospital for children requiring one day outpatient care.
- Infants
- Children who require major treatment
- Children with a strong gag reflex
- Children who are medically compromised or have special needs
- Children that have had traumatic dental experiences (sound and smell aversion)